
At the American School of Bahrain (ASB), we aim to promote a love of learning, to encourage our students to follow their passions, and to pursue excellence. We recognize that we learn better when we are happy, so we seek to create a joyful experience for our learners, who collaborate and support each other on their learning journeys. At ASB, we value having a growth mindset, which allows students to rise to the challenges of the curriculum, and life, thereby learning that persistence, risk-taking and mistake-making lead to greater success.

Our coursework, from Head Start program to Grade 12, provides meaningful and challenging opportunities for both individual and collective achievement. We empower students with the desire and the means to reach their highest potential. We teach students how to learn, as well as teaching big ideas, skills and character traits, in all subjects. We want our learners to be able to take a question that’s really compelling in the world or in their lives, and have many tools with which to answer it.
Our KG to Grade 10 standards-based curriculum primarily follows the AERO (American Education Reaches Out) standards set by the Office of Overseas Schools, part of the U.S. State Department. AERO is aligned with the Common Core State Standards. This is supplemented by other rigorous and relevant resources. We aim for a cross-curricular approach, integrating different subjects into meaningful, relevant units of study. Our Early Childhood Program follows the Ontario Kindergarten Program in PreK and K1, as well as AERO Common Core Plus Curricular Standards for English, Science and Math in KG2.
Please explore this section for more information about our academic program at ASB.
